Our Team
Teachers and Staff Members

Kathryn McHugh
The Founding Principal of Jing Jing International Kindergarten Nursery and Playgroup
NNEB Dip-UK, QKT – Hong Kong.
BCouns (Counselling) University of Queensland. Expressive Art/Sand Therapist -Australian Institute of Counsellors.
Childcare Supervisor-Hong Kong
Vocational Trainer & Assessor Education -UK
Kathryn is the founding Principal of our international branch which was set up 16 years ago. She is originally from Jersey, in the Channel Islands and is a committed Early Years teacher with over 30 years’ experience in nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools in the UK, Australia and Hong Kong. She is passionate about youth mental health being a qualified Counsellor and Expressive Arts Therapist with her own successful private practice.
She firmly believes that success in Early Years education is about building relationships and that education is a team effort between school and family
Ms. Li Chui Man Christine
The Principal of Jing Jing Kindergarten and Nursery
(M.A. CUHK, B.Ed.(Hons) BU,
Kindergarten Principal Cert. CUHK)
Principal Christine Li has extensive experience in school administration and management. She has been offering services of her expertise to international and mainstream education institutes as well as NGO. She holds a master’s degree in literature (Early Childhood Education) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, a Kindergarten Principal Certificate, Early Childhood Education Certificate and Certificate in Special Child Care Education. Furthermore, she is an experienced Non-Chinese Student instructor.
Additionally, she serves as a guest lecturer in the Department of Early Childhood Education at Hong Kong Baptist University and Vocational Training Council, contributing to the professional development of early childhood educators. Without a doubt, Ms Li is certainly an active participant in the development of the industry. She has been invited to serve as a reviewer of the certificate in infant and toddler educare in the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education at Hong Kong Baptist University.
She will always adhere to Jing Jing Kindergarten’s motto - "Honor the young in other families as we honor those in our own". Cultivate children with love and cares, attaching huge importance to life education and moral education, every child can thrive in a caring and enjoyable exploring environment to cultivate good character.
Children who are the masters of joy will contribute positively to benefit the community in the future. Learn to respect, to appreciate and to cherish life, establish correct values, balance the development of moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic education.
Looking to the future, Ms Li is eager to collaborate with the team to keep pace with the times and adhere to the motto of Jing Jing Kindergarten. Besides, with love, trust, and support by parents for our young children to create a better tomorrow.

Ms. Ng Lai Ping
Vice Principal of Jing Jing Kindergarten
(Tuen Mun Branch & International Preschool)

Ms. So Ka Wai
Vice Principal of Jing Jing Anglo Chinese Kindergarten
(Hung Shui Kiu Branch)

Ms. Leung Suk Ying
Lead Teacher of Jing Jing Kindergarten and Nursery
(Shun Lee Branch)

Ms. Reshma Jhaveri
Lead Teacher
(International Brach)

Ms. Daisy Cheung
General Secretary

Ms. Gina Leung
HR Assistant